Using A Title Loan As An Emergency Cash Solution
Can a title loan offered by Missouri Title Loans, Inc. become an emergency cash solution? Absolutely!
Below, you will discover three main reasons why such a lending option is a convenient way to deal with urgent expenses. You’ll also find out how to take out a loan and what sum you might be able to qualify for.
Why Is A Title Loan a Good Emergency Cash Solution?
Title Loans Are Fast
You might have already heard that if you go for a title loan, you’d typically be able to receive the money the same or the following bank business day. But how is that possible?
- You wouldn’t have to gather dozens of documents – you’ll only need your car, lien-free title, and ID.
- You can begin the application online – you'll get to share your basic information with a lender representative over the phone from your home.
- You wouldn’t have to drive to the store to get the car inspected – you can ask the verification agent to come to your chosen location.
- The in-person meeting with the agent might take only 30 minutes – during this time, the expert will check your documents and evaluate your car to determine how much you can qualify for.
You’ll Get To Keep Your Car
Another important reason why a car title loan is an emergency cash solution preferred by many is that you’ll get to keep your vehicle while repaying the loan.
You may get access to a more significant sum if you sell the car. But that might take a few months, and you’ll be left without your four-wheeled friend. With a title loan, you will receive a part of your car’s cash value, and you’ll get to keep using it daily.
You Don’t Need To Have Perfect Credit
A poor or non-existent score might make getting approved for a traditional loan more difficult. That’s precisely why plenty of individuals do not even consider such an emergency cash solution.
The good news is that your credit will not determine whether or not you’ll be able to qualify for a title loan. The decision will be based on the value of your vehicle and your ability to repay, and if all your documents are in order, you might qualify even with bad credit.
How To Apply For A Title Loan Offered By Missouri Title Loans, Inc.
We at Missouri Title Loans, Inc. understand that you might already be going through a lot if you’re looking for a source of fast cash. That’s why we’re committed to making the whole title loan experience as stress-free and straightforward as possible.
All you would have to do is:
- Apply online by completing a short inquiry form or call us directly.
- In both cases, you will consult our friendly specialist, who will tell you more about the process and answer any questions.
- You can choose where to meet with the verification agent.
- Don’t forget to bring your state-issued ID or driver’s license, lien-free title, and the actual vehicle to the meeting.
- Wait for the agent to review your documents and inspect your car. At this point, you will find out the amount you qualify for.
- To finalize the process, take care of a few more papers, and you're done! You will get the cash the same or the next bank day.
How Is The Value Of The Car Determined?
Our specialist will determine the value of your vehicle during a physical inspection. The agent will use a nationally recognized pricing guide to choose the car's value and evaluate the vehicle's condition. Depending on the results, you might receive up to $15,000.
What Does A Lien-Free Title Mean?
To apply for a title loan, you would have to make sure that your title is lien-free. This means that you must own the vehicle outright. If you’re still making payments on the car, your application will unfortunately be declined.
The title should also have your name on it. If it doesn’t, you must get it transferred before applying.
Get Your Emergency Cash Today!
You might want to go for a title loan in an emergency situation for a few reasons. These loans are fast and do not require a perfect credit score. Furthermore, you’ll get to keep your four-wheeled friend while repaying.
With Missouri Title Loans, Inc., you might get approved for up to $15,000 without even stepping into the store. To apply now, complete the online form or call us at 800-514-2274.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.